Page 118 - 2025 URI Product Catalog
P. 118

Brilliance HP

        Brilliance Advanced HP: A powerful range of high pressure metal halide lamps.
        With a proprietary metal-halide blend, premium quartz glass and high quality
        electrodes, you can expect superior tanning performance.

        • The new industry standard for premium quartz lamps
        • Only the purest quartz glass and premium components used in manufacturing
        • Consistent output and long lamp life exceeds many OEM recommendations
        • Extensive offering to ensure proper OEM replacement and fit

                                Brilliance Advanced HP
              Spec    Description                Watts     Length
              10070   250W Plug in               250W      GY9,5
              10075   250W Round Base Plug In    180-250W  VR-RP
              10060   400W Plus Clip In          400W      R7s
              10065   400-500W Large Diameter Clip In  400-500W  R7s
              10080   500W Wire Lead             400-500W  Wire
              10000   520W Gold Tip Plug In      240-520W  GY9,5
              10010   300-500W Plug In           300-500W  GY9,5
              10020   650W Universal Plug In     600-650W  GY9,5 U
              10025   650W Step Ceramic Wire Lead  600-650W  Wire
              10030   600-800W Universal Plug In  600-800W  GY9,5 U
              10035   630-830W Double End Pin    630-830W  SPO-2P
              10040   800W Universal Plug In     800W      GY9,5 U
              10045   1000W Wire Lead            800-1000W  Wire
              10050   750-1000W Keyed Plug In    750-1000W  GYH9,5
              10055   1000-1500W Step Ceramic Wire Lead  1000-1500W  Wire
              10057   700-1200 Keyed Plug In     700-1200W  GYH9,5
              10058   1530W Double End Pin       1500W     SPO-2P
              10090   1000 - 1400W TSF           1000-1400W  ISO-TS
              10091   800W TSF                   800W      ISO-TS
              10092   620-650W TSF               650W      ISO-TS
              10094   500W TSF                   500W      ISO-TS
              10095   2000W 380-400V Wire Lead   2000W     Wire
                            Special Application Quartz Lamps
              Spec     Description               Watts     Length
              004.0202  1000W GX12 Plug In       1000W     GX12-1
              004.0102  650W GX12 Plug In        620-700W  GX12-1
              100931   2000W Wire Lead 220V      2000W     Wire
              100951   650W Double End Straight Pin  500-650W  DE-2P
              100953   1000W Double End Straight Pin  1000W  DE-2P
              100929   1510W Double End Blade    1500W     SPO-BL
              100932   2000-2500W XL Wire Lead   2500W     Wire
              921378541  610W Double End Blade   600W      SPO-BL
              919220245  400W-S Long Clip In 118mm  400W   R7s          A truly unique tanning experience smooth, silky skin
              920669541  800W Clip In 118mm      700-800W  R7s          with a deep bronzing effect!
                               Cosmetta FST Hybrid HP
           Spec    Description                        Watts     Base    Cosmetta FST combines UVA & UVB with the
                                                                        benefits of the visible light spectrum.
           20010   400-500W Large Diameter Clip In UV + Red Light  250W  R7s
           20020   300-520W Plug In UV + Red Light    300-520W  GY9,5   The Cosmetta FST lamp has an exclusive spectral
           20030   600-800W Universal Plug In UV + Red Light  600-800W  GY9,5  distribution unlike any other lamp.
        113        | 1-800-247-3251  |
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